The How to Choose Your Ideal Offroad Seat continues with suspension functions. Suspensions can include a number of different features or accessories, depending on the application for the suspension and also the type of suspension.
These will all be defined in the details below.
Fore/Aft Isolator
Fore/aft isolator is an important function for applications which have a high level of jarring to the body. For example, you can experience this in a lot of zero turn mowers, called back-slapping. The bouncing and jostling of the machine causes the seat to, basically, slap you in the back while driving. The fore/aft isolator remedies this issue by providing a shock which absorbs the jolts which are experienced in a forward and back motion.
This feature is available on both low-profile and full suspensions.
Side-to-Side Isolator
Very similar to the fore/aft isolator is the side-to-side isolator. Not all jostling in the seat is going to be in a forward and back motion. There is also a lot of movement from left to right while operating equipment. With this, the side-to-side isolator provides a similar design to absorb those vibrations so your body doesn't have to.
This feature is only available on full suspensions.
Shock Absorbers (also called Dampers)
Two types of shocks are available in Grammer suspensions - one being a standard shock and the other being an adjustable shock. A standard shock used for a driver's seat is the 2-tube damper which offers the highest seating comfort due to the adjustability of the damper (strong or weak damping). An adjustable shock is just as described - adjustable. The shocks used on a Grammer seat can have up to five settings from hard to soft. This can be adjusted throughout the day to meet your current desire of comfort.
This feature is available on both low-profile and full suspensions.
Weight Adjustment
Weight adjustment is varied between suspension types. Mechanical suspensions can be a ratchet-like mechanism, toggle, or knob to adjust. Air suspensions typically have a handle or lever on the front or side of the suspension. The weight adjustment range can accommodate operators from 110-285 lbs or 110-400 lbs depending on the suspension.
This feature is available on both low-profile and full suspensions.
Height Adjustment
Not all operators are the same size or shape. Therefore, adjustments must be built into the suspension to meet everyone's needs. With this, height comes into play. On a full mechanical suspension, three height settings are available. And with a full air suspension, up to 3.1 in. of infinite height adjustment is possible.
This feature is available on both low-profile and full suspensions.
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How to Choose Your Ideal Offroad Seat – Suspension Functions